Stars and fire and bliss

Alone in a world where most are a pair,
I am made of stars and fire and bliss.
The wild wind flows through my hair
And the whole bright world is mine to kiss.

I am made of stars and fire and bliss-
Like a dragon I breathe inspiring fire!
The whole bright world is mine to kiss,
For as muse and poet combined, I am entire.

The dragon breath of inspiring fire
Is so alive in me that I’m happy to be
Both muse and poet, combining, entire,
To sing aloud my joyful story.

Alive in myself, and happy to be
Alone in a world where most are a pair,
I sing aloud my joyful story,
As the wild wind flows through my hair….

I’ve recently come across a new prompt site – mine enemy grows older – and this pantoum poem was inspired by the picture above.

5 responses to “Stars and fire and bliss

  1. Very nice pantoum. I especially like the line, “I am made of stars and fire and bliss”.

  2. Pingback: new arrivals, new arrangements « the storybook collaborative

  3. excellent pantoum… it flows as water…. have tried to write one a few times but got lost… after reading yours it has helped me to understand the dynamics a bit more of writing one.. thank you.. it is all so beautiful .. love how you brought it in for a landing so to speak…

  4. Glad you liked it and thanks for your lovely comments.

    I think some types of text lend themselves to the pantoum form much more than others – the more abstract and metaphorical, the easier it seems to be to make the repetition work.

    Although quite a lot of my poems end up structured in some way, I rarely set out to write a particular form. I just start writing, see if a form suggests itself, and rework the lines to make any rhyme and repetition consistent. The first draft of this wasn’t a pantoum at all.

    Anyway, good luck with writing a pantoum, pieceofpie – and when you write one you’re happy with, do post a link!

  5. A nice song of a poem to go with the lyric narrative of the painting. Glad to see you on Rick’s site. His paintings do inspire, don’t they? Such vibrant colors and figures.

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