Introducing myself

I’m blogging anonymously to give me the freedom to express some personal thoughts on living, loving, writing, singing and other things that are important to me.

By hiding my name and identifying information, I find I can be much more honest and direct, and use this as a space where I can say those things that I might not say if any random acquaintance or colleague could immediately associate it with me. But while I want to stay free and anonymous, it seems fair to give you a bit more background on who I am!

Why Words that sing? Is it just an egotistical claim that my words sing? Actually I chose the name because I am both a writer and a singer, and wanted the blog to be about both. And recently it has occurred to me that, when I’m writing poetry, I try to find words that really resonate with what I want to convey. So when I find words that start to have a singing-ish feel, I start to think I’m getting there.

And why Lirone? It’s a woman’s name that means “song is mine, joy is mine”. When I chose it, it was more an aspiration as I was feeling miserable and unable to sing. I’m glad to say it’s now true in reality! (It’s also the name for an old musical instrument from the lyre family, which isn’t entirely irrelevant as I used to play early music!)

Why am I blogging? I started because I was feeling trapped into silence by the painful ending of a relationship. And because I remembered the joy I used to find in writing, and wondered if I could rediscover it. It’s been a real space for expressing things I needed to express, healing wounds. And also, I hope, being a place where others can find encouragement and strength in their difficult times. I try to keep the site a peaceful and optimistic place to visit, one where people visit and leave refreshed and renewed.  

Writing with an audience, and with the opportunity to share with a gifted community of writers, has been both instructive and inspiring. Receiving thoughtful feedback makes the next poem flow more easily. And various prompts have challenged me to stretch my skills, think about new ideas and overall enriched me hugely as a writer. Even after a couple of months I feel my poetry is immeasurably better than when I started, and I hope to go on improving.

On a practical level, I’m female, in my early 30s, normally London based but currently living and working overseas for a few months, still single but now happily so, doing an interesting and satisfying job but still finding that most of the joy of my life is in the dancing, writing, singing and communicating that I do outside of work!

Please enjoy this blog, comment and come back soon!

16 responses to “Introducing myself

  1. Dearest blogger..
    I choose too, to remain in silence, but in silence I send you all my love and thanks for sharing your heart with us..
    See, this works, I felt you trough your lines..
    I hope you keep on writting

  2. The song is yours in the singing, the joy is ours in the listening,

  3. I too am right brained. I found this site while looking up a poem for children. How inspiring that adults are writing great pieces and actually growing in the craft. This is what I teach and hope to hook children to keep journals and write daily. Love your work and your message. I too am single but double your age! Keep up the amazing writing !

  4. Welcome to you all – glad you have enjoyed it!

  5. Lirone – I just fell in love with your blog and your spirit! I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed one of your poems for a friend of mine who badly needed it (and gave her your link, so she’d know who wrote it).

    You’re definitely added to my favorites!


  6. Christi – welcome to the blog and look forward to seeing you around. Really glad you enjoyed it and I hope your friend found the poem helpful!

  7. She did! And thank you for the kind welcome!

  8. Hiya Lirone. Have enjoyed reading your writing this year. Best wishes for the New Year. Here’s to another thought provoking one. Cheers.

  9. hey wow, that’s the same reason why I started blogging (again)! i am really enjoying it and becoming quite prolific. it definitely helps. i’m glad you’re happily single. i think i’m on my way to being there as well!

  10. Hi Lirone, I SO get it about the freedom of blogging anonymously. I’ve never experienced anything like it – to express myself without fear of….exposure….Anyway, I really appreciate your link to me “Defining Moments”. But I changed blog name to my screen name, “Psychscribe”. Would you mind very much changing it under your category “Blogs That Make Me Think”? Thanks so much! Psychscribe

  11. the image for your article, when the woman in your life is crying, i would like to use it on facebook and i wanted to know if that would be okay. please email me and let me know, thank you, aj

  12. hi… i found the site while searching an image of a crying woman..i too would like to ask permission to use some lines from your blog/s….thank you…

  13. May I use your “Wood woman, wise woman” poem on my website? It is a crafting website that is just getting started. Thanks for the consideration, April

  14. Hello,

    Do you mind if I make reference to your website from my website?


    No problem, L

  15. I came across your blog yesterday and really like it. I have a little poetry group here in Harlesden, we are having an event next Wednesday. Would like to make contact, looking forward to hearing from you,
    greetings, Ursula

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